I read The Pillars of the Earth, the first Ken Follet's historical book, which I love so much that I finished it in one week. So, the expectations are high for Ken Follet’s next historical book, The World without end. They encouraged me to read the latest book in English (the first book I have read in English) Does the World without End meet my expectations? Is it better than The Pillars of the Earth?
Story : The history takes place in 14th century in Kingsbridge. I don't want to reveal the story because we know Ken Follet's art is suspense. There isn’t a prominent change in social issues between two books: The both tackled the war’s violence, the architecture of cathedrals, male chauvinism, conflicts between clergy and aristocracy. What is new so ??? In the world without the end, the author extends architecture with the built of bridges, palaces and introduced medicine's and clothes' field with the plague. He's more interested in strategies, conflicts than human's emotion : there are a lot of rethorical speeches, we can enjoy and a few romantic scenes. There are also few disgusted violent scenes.
Characters : Ken Follet always scrutinizes his characters, masters of their fate, so does he in his latest book. He gives more importance to a female character, Caris, intelligent, lucid, determined, wants to break rules imposed by the male chauvinist society and to become doctor. Her love-long lover Merthin, clever builder and alderman, help her to succeed. Her poor friend Gwenda suffers of one side love for Wulfric, rich ans handsome peasant , but manages to marry him. Ralph, Merthin's opposite and his brother, vengeful, dishonest and wicked knight, punishes hard Wulfric considered as his worst ennemy, by taking off his inherit lands. Godwyn, Caris's cousin and prior of Kingsbridge, chauvinist, considered as a reformer, is unable to improve the monastery, albeit his cruels efforts. Their are minor characters who are touching such Mair, sister with love for Caris, Mother Prioress Cecila, Thomas Langley, courageous knight become kind monk, good Bishop Henri of Mons and beautiful countess Philippia. And those who are contemptuous : Philemeon, grafty and ambitious monk and Gwenda's brother, Elfric , bitter and vendicative Master carpenter, Elizabeth, intelligent and Caris's rival, Ralph's friend Alan, Gwenda's father, Joby.
The writer excels in suspense and readers finished quickly this book of 1240 pages thanks to his easy writing skill. We can see a lot of similarities between his books, especially in description of his characters, which he should avoid : there is always a clever girl who break the rules, an wicked man, a genie. This book is less Manichean than The Pillars of the Earth.
Anyway, Ken Follet presents us a rewarding historical book, which brings up much acknowledge on the fourteenth century without our boring. I'm a bit disappointed with the end : I feel somehow he doesn't know how to finish this book.
The book is worth reading and meet my expectation but doesn't exceed them. But I prefer The Pillars of the Earth over the latest book because The eternal love between Aliena and Jack, and authoritarian, kind and devote Philip, and their particular fates make it an excellent and unique one!
Story : The history takes place in 14th century in Kingsbridge. I don't want to reveal the story because we know Ken Follet's art is suspense. There isn’t a prominent change in social issues between two books: The both tackled the war’s violence, the architecture of cathedrals, male chauvinism, conflicts between clergy and aristocracy. What is new so ??? In the world without the end, the author extends architecture with the built of bridges, palaces and introduced medicine's and clothes' field with the plague. He's more interested in strategies, conflicts than human's emotion : there are a lot of rethorical speeches, we can enjoy and a few romantic scenes. There are also few disgusted violent scenes.
Characters : Ken Follet always scrutinizes his characters, masters of their fate, so does he in his latest book. He gives more importance to a female character, Caris, intelligent, lucid, determined, wants to break rules imposed by the male chauvinist society and to become doctor. Her love-long lover Merthin, clever builder and alderman, help her to succeed. Her poor friend Gwenda suffers of one side love for Wulfric, rich ans handsome peasant , but manages to marry him. Ralph, Merthin's opposite and his brother, vengeful, dishonest and wicked knight, punishes hard Wulfric considered as his worst ennemy, by taking off his inherit lands. Godwyn, Caris's cousin and prior of Kingsbridge, chauvinist, considered as a reformer, is unable to improve the monastery, albeit his cruels efforts. Their are minor characters who are touching such Mair, sister with love for Caris, Mother Prioress Cecila, Thomas Langley, courageous knight become kind monk, good Bishop Henri of Mons and beautiful countess Philippia. And those who are contemptuous : Philemeon, grafty and ambitious monk and Gwenda's brother, Elfric , bitter and vendicative Master carpenter, Elizabeth, intelligent and Caris's rival, Ralph's friend Alan, Gwenda's father, Joby.
The writer excels in suspense and readers finished quickly this book of 1240 pages thanks to his easy writing skill. We can see a lot of similarities between his books, especially in description of his characters, which he should avoid : there is always a clever girl who break the rules, an wicked man, a genie. This book is less Manichean than The Pillars of the Earth.
Anyway, Ken Follet presents us a rewarding historical book, which brings up much acknowledge on the fourteenth century without our boring. I'm a bit disappointed with the end : I feel somehow he doesn't know how to finish this book.
The book is worth reading and meet my expectation but doesn't exceed them. But I prefer The Pillars of the Earth over the latest book because The eternal love between Aliena and Jack, and authoritarian, kind and devote Philip, and their particular fates make it an excellent and unique one!
1 commentaire:
Well well well......
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